Socket Object
The Socket object is provided to the programmer for creating and managing their own WinSock connection from within the solution. This object is only a pass-through to the standard Windows WinSock control so additional documentation about how this works can be easily found on the Internet. There are three sections for this object, properties, methods and events.
This object is declared in a similar manner to:
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket
The properties for the Socket object are:
BytesReceived, LocalHostName, LocalIP, Protocol, RemoteHost, RemoteHostIP, RemotePort, and State.
The methods for the Socket object are:
sktClose, sktConnect, sktGetData, sktPeekData, and sktSendData.
The events for the Socket object are:
OnClose, OnConnect, OnDataArrival, OnError, OnSendComplete, and OnSendProgress.